Monday, June 2, 2008

I hope you all haven't given up on me during my long quiet spell. Shortly after my Grandfather passed away DH decided to have his own little near death experience and ended up hospitalized for 5 days. We've yet to discover what exactly is wrong with him but we now know a number of things that aren't wrong with him. I spent quite a bit of time at the hospital with him as he's a teensy bit of a great big baby and wasn't to thrilled about the idea of being left alone at the hospital. I don't know what he was so worried about-he had a whole gaggle of cute nurses!

I've spent this week trying to catch up on everything that's gone by the wayside and while the to do list is still freakishly long it's no longer threatening to become a short novel.

One of the things on my to do list was to get my row done for the row robin I'm participating in. I had Gail's rows for May and her theme was China Dolls. I had a really neat idea about appliqueing Chinese words onto blocks but unfortunately with everything going on I just plain old ran out of time and went with these simpler Chinese Lantern Blocks. I got it done just a little late and it's going into the mail tomorrow.

Aren't Gail's rows gorgeous! I love them all.
A couple close ups of my lantern blocks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather and your husband. Mya you be blessed with some sunner days.
I love the rows and I am so ecited to get them I think I have a plan but will have to wait and see up close and personal before making my final plan. thankYou for sharing.