Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fabric, goodies, and swap blocks

Look what the mailman brought today-these are Lucy's blocks for the HST swap. Hmmm...I'm sensing a purple and yellow theme amongst our swappers. Wouldn't purple and yellow make a pretty quilt? Might make a good swap-but what block to use?
I also did a bit of shopping today. I'm taking part in Kate's Another Little Quilt Swap. I decided on a pattern the other day and went to the quilt store to pick out fabric today. I hunted around and grabbed a few different bolts of multicolored focus fabric and decided I liked this orange dot best. Then I picked out the gold and dark plum to accent it and the creamy tan for the background. It's not the best picture of the fabric-it's a cloudy day here so not much light but I love the fabrics. I can't wait to get started on it. I'm planning on doubling up and making 2-one to keep and one for my buddy. Someone posted that they did that in a doll quilt swap they were in and I thought it was a neat idea-that way I won't be so sad to see my little quilt take off for it's new home.

I also went to Hancock's to pick up some fabric for a border on my Halloween quilt (which I hope to have done before Halloween this year!) and found some goodies for the crazy quilt swap I'm taking part in. I wasn't actually planning on shopping for the swap so I didn't have my list of swappers preferences with me so I stuck with neutrals that would work with most everyone's stuff.

For embellishments I got some seed pearls, gold dragonfly charms, 3 yards of ribbons, some silver key charms, some cream colored flowers, and some little silver charms that say "Believe" on them.

For fabrics I got some cream colors satin, some peachy/cream silky stuff-I can't remember off hand what it is, and some creamy paisley brocade. The 2 FQ's are cream colored jacquard I picked up while I was at the LQS. I still have more shopping to do for this swap but that will have to wait until next week.

My LQS is in the middle of the city but the parking lot butts up next to a little wooded area. It's not uncommon to see deer there and today when we pulled up there were 3 deer, a mallard duck in a big puddle, and some little creature we couldn't identify. We watched it for a long time trying to figure out what it was but it was far enough away and the weeds were high enough that we couldn't ID it. I don't think it was a possum or raccoon. It walked like a badger but I don't know how likely it would be to see a badger walking around by the LQS. It has that sort of elongated body though like a badger or weasel shape. So that's the days mystery-the Quilt Ness creature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I love posting pictures of my quilts & projects.
I really love your Amish blocks... I have a set of Amish blocks from an exchange that I need to put together & finish. Yet another UFO. *G*
(I found your blog via the About Quilting forum post.)