Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spooky spring greeting

These tessellating star blocks are from a swap I hosted on the forum. I'd set them aside after the swap as I was in the middle of something else and actually forgot about them. Last week I was cleaning out our closet (which also holds all my quilting supplies) and rediscovered them. I decided it was time to get the top together so I could get it quilted before next Halloween.

That little orange stripe in the border finishes at 1/4 inch. Not hard to do but a little fiddley and I pinned the heck out of it before I sewed it on. Dh actually suggested the orange stripe. The man can't match his own clothes but for some reason when it comes to picking out borders he's an absolute genius. I think I've praised him one to many times for his border picking skills because now he offers his opinion on my borders whether I want it or not!


AmyB said...

Love the orange accent border... although my sister *can* match her clothes, she has a similar kind of savant-genius when it comes to sorting fabrics. Too bad she doesn't sew (or even want to!).

Linda C said...

Hi, there and welcome to bloggerland as a participant. You said you had been reading already and just decided to dip your toe in the waters, so to speak, LOL.

I was directed here by two friends who blog to see your cool Halloween quilt. They are thinking about making a Halloween themed quilt and I can sense that I am about to be drug along. You know how that goes!!

SandyQuilts said...

Next time use elmer's washable school glue to hold that accent in place ... it washes right now and no pins.